Our Mission

To provide hope, healing and justice for victims of child abuse. We accomplish our mission by providing child-sensitive forensic interviews and individual, family and group counseling.

About Us

The Bessemer Cut-Off Advocacy Center, Inc. is a private non-profit agency established by the Bessemer Cut-Off District Attorney’s office in 1989. The Bessemer Cut-Off Advocacy Center is a child-focused intervention and treatment program for sexually and physically abused children. The Advocacy Center provides a non-threatening child-friendly atmosphere designed for the comfort and safety of child victim. Adopting the multi-disciplinary team approach to the Children’s Advocacy Center’s program has enabled us to coordinate unduplicated community services thereby reducing the overall cost of service provision and minimizing trauma to the victim and family.

We serve children impacted by all types of traumatic events including childhood sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect. We also serve witnesses of domestic abuse and violent crime and children who have suffered accidents, natural disasters, and traumatic bereavement.